My time in China was certainly spent making relationships that will last a life time. This being my first time returning to China since I lived there, something indescribable about the trip resonated with me. It was as if old memories and joys were magnificently restored, while at the same time new ones were made.
My journey began with an early morning, batting tired lashes, and trying miraculously to make it to the airport at 6am to meet my teacher. Mrs. Zhang, my teacher, sure enough was there waiting for me and the other students to arrive so that we could check our bags onto the flight and leave for Detroit. Being a Sunday morning, the airport wasn't too crowded, but time was still of the essence for our small group.
While checking our bags onto the plane, everyone in the group took the chance to become well acclimated with one another. (John Curry and I happened to become so well acclimated that the attendent checking our bags, mixed up our I.D.'s). Our group consisted of myself, Colin Snell, John Curry, Matthew Bulow, and our teacher, accompanied by her daughter. Together we said our goodbyes to our families and, following a prayer from my grandfather, we boarded the flight to Detroit.
The flight was generally smooth, or bumpy, I cant remember. I do know, however, that I slept quiet well most of the way. Being only a three hour flight, we touched down in Detroit fairly quickly. In the airport, John and I did some exploring before seeking out food. We knew the next flight wouldn't be nearly as forgiving as the last, clocking in at approximately thirteen and a half hours. So, I packed some Flamin' Hot Cheetos in my backpack along with a Pepsi and prepared for the worst.
As it turns out, that flight to Beijing was one of my favorite parts of the trip. The airplane was equipped with all kinds of media access and wifi access. In addition to that, we got to flight through two cycles of daytime, which amazed both my mind and my tired body. On the flight we were fed three meals, none of which were much to write home about, but hospitable to say the least. Then after having watched the Lego Batman movie four times, we finally landed in Beijing, China.
The city was different from what I remembered. I soon found that to be because of both the time and position I was in in Beijing. When I had first traveled there I stayed in the polar opposite area of where we arrived on this particular trip. This meant I would get to see an entirely new side of Beijing, and it thrilled me. Also, being the summer, the weather made for lesser smog and more visibility from what I was used to having. Taking advantage of this new scenery, I made sure to do some sight seeing of my own around the city once we arrived at our hotel.
John and I stayed in the same room, with Colin and Matthew in the room opposite us. It was fun having a roommate, but even more so because I finally got to be back in my "element," if you will, and could show him my reasoning behind loving China. In China I once again had access to Chinese apps, music, tv, and games, so I made sure to savor all of it. Today I still listen to and watch the media I took in while I was there, and my Chinese gets better constantly because of it.
The day after our arrival in Beijing we were introduced to our hosts. My host family turned out to be the nicest people I'd ever met. They gave my the guest room, which thankfully had AC, and had food ready for me at home even before I walked through the door. In my room they'd set up a Chinese lantern over the naked light bulb, so that when it was turned on the room glowed red. It was a spectacular sight. With this particular host, I went to Calculus classes every morning for three hours. Now, while this wasn't my favorite part of the trip, I greatly enjoyed meeting Chinese students and seeing how summer school was for them. They welcomed me, sometimes laughed at me, but especially made me their friend and that made me feel great.
Before we left Beijing I went to see a tea house opera with my host, which blew me away completely. It was like dinner and a show minus the dinner and plus bottomless cups of green tea. Performers performed balancing acts, the Chinese yoyo, and Kung Fu tea pouring. Overall, I left not knowing why my hometown didn't have one of those yet.
Finally it was time to say goodbye to Beijing and board the train for Jinan, so, having given away gifts and said our goodbyes, my host family and I ended our journey as the train pulled off. However, it wasn't sad at all, I was greatly excited to see Jinan, for I knew it was my teachers hometown. That being said, I didn't know much else about what else would happen when we got there.
Upon arrival we were greeted as if we were celebrities, bombarded with hugs and pictures from our knew host families. It was quite the sight. I learned then that I would be staying in three different homes along the short period of time we stayed there, and that night I went home with the first.
This time my host was a girl of my age named Kiki. Kiki and her family treated me to yet another amazing dinner when we got home, and she even let me stay in her room while she stayed with her parents, showing how hospitable she was. Together we traveled what felt like all of Jinan, going to see scary movies, shopping, and learning about Chinese broadcasting. At the end of our fun, I went to stay at the next girl's house to continue the excitement.
With this new host we met up with Matthew and John for some karaoke, swimming, and mother scooter driving. Over all it was exhilarating. They treated us as though we were just classmates, or old friends staying for the summer. By the time I met with the last girl who would be my host, I expected things to die down, but they only got better. Together, with our friends, we bought out a small theatre to watch La La Land (enjoyed more by the girls than the guys) and ice skated the days away. Saying goodbye to that faithful trio of host was hard at the train station, but once we'd left I knew those friendships would hold fast nonetheless.
Once we arrived in Shang Hai the journey continued. My host family met me at the train station to drive me to their home. We stopped for dinner before checking in for the night and unpacking my things. In the home I was able to play piano and write up lesson plans for the next day when we went to a elementary school and played games with the children. They were incredibly sweet and happy to meet all of us in our group. We taught them duck duck goose while they taught us some fun Chinese games to bring back home.

Over all I've brought back so much more than just games form this trip. The experience was one to remember forever, and I hope to someday return.
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