After arriving in Bordeaux, my fellow classmates and I took a bus to the Sauque, the boarding school where we would be spending the first week. There, I met my host brother, Corentin, and his father, who drove me to their house, as Corentin did not board at the Sauque. Upon arriving at the house, I met my host mother and we all went inside and discussed each other's cultures and traditions. After a good discussion, we ate an early dinner. After dinner, we discussed further, but after a while, I went to bed for some much needed rest. The next morning, I would be going to the Sauque for the second time. Only this time, I would actually attend classes and interact with the students. After attending two classes, my host brother and I went to the assembling area where he had to take an exam. While Corentin took his exam, my classmates and I went and played handball with the upperclassmen. After Corentin finished his exam, my classmates and I went to the Circons with our host brothers and the French students from St. Cecilia for canoeing. We, then, returned to the Sauque, from where Corentin and I were picked up and taken back to the house. The next day, we attended several classes in the morning, ate lunch in the cafeteria at the Sauque, and then headed for downtown Bordeaux, where we went on a very interesting tour. Throughout those first few days, we participated in several activities like the tour, as we visited an oyster farm and a beach, among other sites, such as my favorite, the Dune de Pyla, the largest dune in Europe. At the top we had the opportunity to consume all of its beauty. Looking from side to side, the dune seemed endless. Looking down towards the bottom of the dune, the ocean sat on one side and on the other was a forest. Getting to run up and down the dune's steep side was exhausting, but at the same time wonderful. After a marvelous time on the dune, it was time to go back home. The weekend was spent with just my host family. On Saturday, we rested at the house throughout the morning, My host family, then, took me to the French McDonald's for lunch. After eating a delicious lunch, we went to the mall. We returned to the house in the evening for what was a fantastic barbecue where I met some family friends. Throughout the night, not only did we eat, but we played some ping pong, board game, and also Uno. The next day, my family took me to Le Porge, a beach about one hour from Bordeaux. We spent most of the day there, and returned to the house for an evening of ping pong and four wheeling.
Charlie, Isaac, and I are with our host brother at the Dune de Pyla
The next day, my classmates and I participated in a field day at the Sauque. I played basketball for the Pink Team. This whole day was dedicated to these games. The next day was our 14 kilometer walk to Verdelais, where we attended a French mass. This walk was basically the only event of the day. The day after that, Charlie, Isaac, and I departed for Perigueux, where we met our second host family, the Hughes. In Perigueux, we didn't do a lot. Charlie, Isaac, and I hung out with Amaury, who came to MBA on exchange last year. We watched some soccer, as the UEFA just so happened to be hosted by France this summer. We did visit downtown Perigueux and walked around all the little shops. After a few days with the Hughes, we headed back to Bordeaux to stay with our original host family for a few more nights.
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Amaury and I have a discussion during dinner |
After staying a last few nights with our host families, Charlie, Isaac, and I left for Paris with Mr. Trotter. As one would imagine, there was lots to do in Paris. Luckily, we all got to stay in a hotel in downtown Paris, so every day, we would walk somewhere different. Would I personally loved in Paris were all the restaurants; we went out to a restaurant for nearly every meal. Another great part about Paris was the site-seeing. We did have to take a subway to most of the sites, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Trimphe. However, we walked to many sights as well, such as Notre Dame and a handful of Churches and Cathedrals. paris was great because of all the cultural experiences. Not only did we visit, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, but we also got to see works of art in the Louvre, walk through the Catacombes, and ride the Ferris Wheel at the Place de la Concorde.
Charlie, Isaac, and I pose in front of the Eiffel Tower |
After spending three weeks in France, I can undoubtedly say that my studying has been worth it. I had so much fun. I enjoyed participating in all the activities, and I adored the many friends that I made. I am also proud to say that I spent almost a month in a foreign country speaking the native language. I am extremely appreciative to have had the opportunity to study abroad in the language that I have come to love these past few years. I hope that in the future, students will have as much fun abroad as I had. It was certainly an experience that I will keep close to my heart.
Charlie, isaac, and I enjoy our walk in the Catacombes |
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