My second week in Germany was just as great. On Thursday, I went to school, learned a lot in German class, had great food , went to ballroom dancing class, watched The Simpsons in German, and played video games with Fabian. On Friday, we took the bus to Wolfenbuettel, a small town near Braunschweig where the aristocracy of Braunschweig went after they were kicked out by the people. Along with a beautiful palace (see picture on the left), many Fachwerkhaeuser which were left untouched by the destruction of WWII, and the headquarters and brewery for Jaegermeister. After returning to Braunschweig, we went to the Okerwelle (see the picture on the right), a radio station where we were going to play some of ou
r favorite American music and answer some questions about our stay in Braunschweig. Although I was quite nervous, the live interview went well and we played our music. On Saturday, I went to Fabian's sister's, Jana's, Abitur or Graduation, which ended up lasting three hours. Later that day, we went to her AbiBall, a graduation dance. It was a lot of fun, even with all of the ballroom dancing. On Sunday, my grandparents visited me. I hadn't seen them recently, so I was glad that they came. After they went back home, my host-family and I went to an Italian restaurant. The food was great! When we got back, Remember the Titans was on TV in German. It was interesting to say the least. On Monday I had class like I usually do and then after school we went to the old Rathaus or City Hall and then climbed to the top of its tower for an incredible view of the city. Afterwords, we went to an "Amerikanische" BBQ at a host-brother's house. On Tuesday, I went to school like normal and afterwards explored the city some more with the Americans. On Wednesday, we went to Berlin, which was loads of fun.We saw thousands of interesting and amazing things; I wish we could have stayed there for more than one day. Along with seeing many beautiful buildings and monuments, I also was able to right my name on the Berlin Wall. Berlin was a great end to the second week!
There I am writing my name on the Berlin Wall.
Here Is the iconic sign from Checkpoint Charlie.
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