Day 17- July 31
Colosseum day has arrived! We went to the San Clemente church and the Ludus magna before going into the Colosseum, which was breathtaking from inside. I learned that the first row was reserved for the senators, and that some people in Rome could never get a chance to go inside based on their status. But I do have to commend the efficiency of the design. There are doors on all sides of the structure, making entrance and exit very efficient. I also learned that the Arch of Constantine was built after his victory at the Mulvian bridge, defeating Maxentius. The battle is depicted on the arch. Close by was the Golden House of Nero (Domus Aurea). I saw a computerized image of what it would have looked like back then, and it was truly a golden house, with Nero’s statue standing high for all of Rome to observe.
Inside the Colosseum
I had some pepperoni pizza and gelato (biscotti and banana flavors) before going back to campus. I studied for the exam in the afternoon in the game room (probably not the best idea), and we had a cookout for dinner.
Today we had our last new translation, and in our discussion of frequentatives, Melissa came up with a pun: the “Frequentatitive.” Get it? Well, it’s just studying from this point on, so I won’t have much to say everyday. I’ve been having some mixed feelings as the end approaches. I’m sad to leave, yet happy to go home, yet determined to to do well on the final, but I’m most satisfied that I’ve learned so much Latin this summer.
Day 18- August 1
Today we went to Norba, which was destroyed in the Social Wars. We did some exam review there and then headed to Sermoneta, a little town where we had lunch at a “Trattoria.” I used my phrase “Il Pranzo era ottimo” (The lunch was delicious), to which the owner replied, “Grazie Ottimo!” (Thank you very much). He was exhilarated to hear that, probably stunned as well to hear it from a Chinese-American.
Left: On top of Norba
Right: Tiramisu
When we got back to campus, we had the ping pong tournament finals. Andrew won! Throughout this trip, I have lived with the remembrance that I had to write 500 words per day, which squeezed every detail of the day out of me. Today, though, Will showed me that I only had to write 50 words per day... Oh well, it certainly didn’t hurt me.
Day 19- August 2
Today I translated, played ping pong, translated, played some more ping pong, and translated some more...and played a lot more ping pong, which I probably shouldn’t have done, considering the fact that tomorrow is the final. I had a lunch of tomato combinations (I’m not touching tomatoes for 3 weeks when I get back). I didn’t get to finish all of my review, so I guess I’ll just have to hope for the best on the exam tomorrow.
Schedule for August 2

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