June 28th- Leaving from America
Today is the first day of the trip. I’m so excited to finally experience China and its culture firsthand. I am currently on the 14 hour flight from Los Angeles to Hong Kong. I can’t wait to land there and then fly to Beijing. Hopefully the jet lag is not too bad. I have already gotten a chance to practice a lot of Chinese with my group leader Cha Cha. The other kids in the group are awesome, and I know we are all going to have a great time together. The picture above is our first group photo. We have just gotten off the 14 hour flight from L.A. to Hong Kong, so we are all very tired. I’m very curious to get my first impression of China and its people in Hong Kong.

June 30th (China)
We just got back to the hotel after exploring Beijing for a little while. IT was really nice to finally reach the hotel after all the traveling we have done. Outside of our hotel in Beijing, we are surrounded by the locals and their homes nearby. Tonight we walked to a vibrant area near Tiananmen Square and explored the many stores and restaurants there. It feels odd to be surrounded by Chinese people and their language, but I am getting more and more chances to practice my speaking. At dinner, I got my first taste of Chinese food. I had some good sweet and sour chicken, but some of the tofu and fish dishes were a little scary. I’m very excited to see the Great Wall tomorrow!

July 1st- Great Wall and Summer Palace
Today we started out by going to the Great Wall of China. It was incredible to see all the views from the top of the wall, but some parts of the climb up were extremely step. It was interesting to think about how the Chinese were able to build the wall so long ago. It was definitely a breathtaking experience.
In the second part of the day, we went to the summer palace, which was very crowded. The palace was beautiful, and we even got to see the boat made completely out of marble. Next, we took a boat ride at the palace on the largest man-made lake in the world. For dinner, we went to the oldest Peking Duck restaurant in Beijing, and the tried a few different varieties of duck meat, all of which were delicious.

July 2nd
Today we started out by going to the Forbidden City. It was incredible to see how many people there were and how big the city was. The sheer size of the temple and the attention to detail was just astounding. I learned that the Forbidden City has nearly 1,000 rooms.
In the afternoon we went to the enormous Beijing Zoo. We saw everything from pandas to giraffes to lions. We also got to sample some of the local noodles nearby.
We traveled at night to a huge mall in Beijing and walked across main street. For dinner, we went to KFC, which is very popular in China. It was actually pretty similar to the KFCs in America. Lastly, we went to a street market and sampled som of the local food. I even got to try scorpion, which didn’t taste like anything, and cicada larva, which was one of the grossest things I’ve ever tried. It was a very fun day.

July 3rd
This morning we went to the Temple of Heaven to practice Tai Chi. It was really interesting how so many old people were dancing and practicing Tai Chi, and I learned that it is a favorite activity of the elderly. There was also a square where people were trying to set their children up with other kids. Then, we went to lunch and sampled some local jiao zi (dumplings). The dumplings were very good.
Later we went to the train station to get ready to board a train to Xi’an. The train is very cramped, and we must sleep there tonight. The train and its hole-in-the-ground toilet are definitely a new experience, but hopefully I will be able to get some sleep. On it. I got to practice some of my Chinese with people on the train. I’m very excited to go to my urban home stay in Xi’an and get off this train.
July 4th
This morning we had to get up at 5:30 to get off the train in Xi’an. From the station, we went to a hotel within a university in Xi’an. Many of the families who will be hosting us teach here. After walking around the streets of the city, we went to the old city wall around Xi’an. We decided to bike around the wall, which was a very long and bumpy ride that provide some great views.
For the 4th of July, we went to a restaurant that served Korean BBQ. There was a variety of food, and some of the meat was among the spiciest I have ever tasted. After diner, we went to a large market to stock up on snacks and drinks. Tomorrow we get to meet our urban home stay families. I’m very excited because I learned that in the future we will get to play ping-pong and basketball with the Chinese kids.

July 5th
We started out today by doing some Tai Chi. Then, we finally got to meet our host brothers and sisters for the urban home stay. My host brother is named Li Hang, but his English name is Matt. I got lucky because he speaks very good English, so I can practice my Chinese while being able to revert to English if I must. His dad is a prefessor and his mom is a librarian, and they live in an apartment withing Xi’an university.
The food I have already tried has been very different from anything I’ve ever eaten, but once I tried it I liked it. Last night we met up with all the other IEL students and their siblings and wandered around a huge mall. We then went to an internet café which was a very interesting place to play computer games. Later, we chilled and played cards at a coffee shop. I’m very happy that the family I’m with is so warm and inviting.

July 6th
Today we went to see the Terracotta Warriors. First, we went to the museum where artists show how the original warriors were created and also make new ones for souvenirs. Then we went to the place where there are 3 large pits of the original warriors. The detail, uniqueness and sheer size of the warriors was incredible. I learned that each warrior was crafted from someone’s actual face. We even got to see the farmer who discovered the warriors 30 years ago.
For lunch we went to the house of a peasant and they made a feast for us. The food was very good and there was so much of it. For dinner, Li Hang’s family invited me to go eat with their friends and a bunch of other people. I got to enjoy some great homemade foods such as duck and the Chinese equivalent of hash browns. I was able to converse with the other people there in both Chinese and English. After dinner we went to a store to look at bootleg DVDs, which were extremely cheap.

July 7th
We started out the day by going to someone’s house who was an expert paper maker. We went and watched him make paper from scratch by using tree bark sediments suspended in water. Then we got to see the finished product after the fibers tried. This man was invited to perform demonstrations of this process at the Beijing Olympics!
We went to the house of a Chinese artist who does great watercolor paintings. The lady was 80 years old and still painting. We saw her make two brand new paintings, and it was amazing how easy she made it look. I even bought one of her small paintings of a boy fishing to put in my house.
In the afternoon some people from our group came over to my house and we watched the Chinese version of The Grudge, a horror movie. For dinner my host mom helped me learn how to make dumplings with eggs and vegetables inside. The dumplings were much more difficult to fold than I thought, but it was pretty satisfying to eat the dumplings we made.

July 8th
This morning we went to the historical museum of Xi’an. It had lots of cool artifacts from all the different Chinese Dynasties. I learned more about the history of China as a whole and saw some pieces that were thousands of years old.
We ate lunch at a place called Muslim street, where a large contingent of Muslim-Chinese live. The food was a soup with bits of bread in it, and was surprisingly good. After lunch we walked around this small family house. Then we got to see the famous Chinese puppet shows. The show was performed using handmade puppets, and was very funny and exciting.
After lunch, I went with some of my Chinese and American friends to play sports. We played ping-pong and badminton. For dinner my family again made dumplings. These dumplings had chicken and vegetables in them, and were delicious. Later, I watched some T.V. with my host brother. Each day I can feel my Chinese improving.
July 9th
Today we competed in a scavenger hunt around Xi’an. Our leader gave us directions in Chinese. We had to ask many people for help and learned a lot about the public transportation system in the city. Eventually we met two Chinese college students who spoke English and agreed to help us with the rest of the scavenger hunt.
Later in the day I went to the internet café with my host brother and played some computer games. Later, we went to play sports with some other kids in our group and their siblings. We ended up playing ping-pong.
Dinner was very good, and it consisted of white rice and meat and vegetables.

July 10th
The main event of today was the Xi’an Horticulture Expo, an event which happens every four years in one city around the world. We took a long bus ride there and finally arrived. The expo show cased flowers from around the world, and reminded me of a theme park. It was amazing how much stuff they built just for this event.
After the expo we ate lunch at a Chinese fast food restaurant. We went to the internet café again for a little while, and spent some time playing guitar at a music store.
For dinner we had rice, noodles, and a potato dish. After dinner we hung out with some of the other kids from our group. Li Hang and I were both very tired by the end of the night.

July 11th
Today we competed in some sports competitions with our Chinese host siblings. First, we played basketball with them, and next we tried ping-pong. I ended up winning the group ping-pong tournament and beating our Chinese co-leader.
After lunch we went to swim. In China, you are required to wear goggles and a cap whey you swim, which was odd. Next, we went to a sports club where you can play pool and Majong, a very popular game in China.
Because it was our last night in Xi’an, we had a farewell dinner where we all came together to say our goodbyes. Each of the American and Chinese siblings performed some sort of talent, and it was a very exciting night overall. Many of our host siblings are coming with us to our rural home stay in Guilin.
July 12th
Today is our last day with our urban home stay. We finally got a chance to sleep late and have some free time before we leave for the train. I got to spend some quality time with my host mom and my host brother. I ate my mom’s cooking one last time by having her rice for lunch.
I got a chance to take pictures with my whole host family and exchange gifts. My host family gave me some Chinese tea and a pencil holder. I’m very glad that my host brother is coming to Guilin with me.
At 6:00 P.M. we boarded the train for our 28 hour ride to Guilin. I’m sad to leave Xi’an and have a long train ride, but excited to see the rural parts of China.

July 13th
There’s not very much to write about today because we spent the whole day on the train. It was hard to sleep last night because I was on the top bunk and the bed was way too short. We loaded up on snacks yesterday and spent much of the day eating. IT was really fun to spend the day socializing with the people in my group and the Chinese kids.
The food on the train was bad to say the least, considering I had to eat the same thing for 3 meals in a row. We got to play cards and teach the Chinese kids some American games. We also got a chance to talk and get to know each other better. Although the train is fun, I’m very excited to get off and get some fresh air tonight.

July 14th
This was our only day in Guilin before we leave for our rural home stay. We saw some of the exciting sites in Guilin. First, we went to a big mountain and climbed partway up it. The view was great. Later we got to go to a tea plantation and sample all kinds of tea. It was really cool to see the tea being made, and I learned that all tea comes from the same type of plant.
For dinner we finally go to have some American food such as chicken tenders. It was someone in our group’s birthday today, so we were also able to eat cake. After dinner we wandered around Guilin and shopped for a little while. Lastly, we saw the largest man made waterfall in the world, which was on the side of a hotel.

July 15th
Today we arrived in our rural home stay. Our new home is a small village dependent on rice farming. The way of life in the village is different than anything I’ve ever experienced. I live in a wooden house, and my host sister and parents are very nice and welcoming. Everyone in the village is extremely friendly to Americans.
Despite my worries, the food in this home stay is very tasty and fresh. Last night for dinner we had fresh fish and eggs and vegetables. The way of life here is a little less eventful, but it is refreshing to have peace and quiet.. TH people and surroundings here make me take for granted my environment in America. Its nice to live somewhere where there is no agenda, and you can just walk around all day.
Rural life is a little rough compared to other places, but I have gotten used to it quickly. Its weird to think that most of China lives a rural lifestyle. I’m very excited for the next few days.
July 16th
Today was the first whole day in our rural home stay. Despite the hard beds heat, I slept pretty well last night. We got up early this morning to escape the heat and climb up the side of a mountain. The hike was pretty tiring, but the views were very beautiful. I’m really starting to love the food my host mom makes. Her rice and other dishes made of meat and vegetables are delicious. Because everyone in the village is so small, I keep bumping my head on things when I walk around.
After lunch we first watched a movie that somebody bought in Xi’an. Then we went down to the river. We are not allowed to swim in the river due to parasites, but it felt good to dip our feet in the cool water and skip rocks. Some of the Chinese kids are complaining about the rustic way of life here, but the Americans and I are really enjoying the change of scenery.

July 17th
Today we drove to the primary school that many kids in the village attend. At the school, we played basketball with some of the local children and our host siblings. Although I thought us Americans would win for sure, we got beaten pretty badly by the Chinese and their team work.
After lunch we went to someone’s house to watch another movie. In the afternoon I learned how to play Mahjong, a game sort of like Dominos that is very popular throughout China. We played all afternoon, and I learned that this game is a great way to pass the time in rural areas. After dinner we all hung out with each other and watched a scary movie. I helped my host sister with her English homework. We have conversations where she practices English and I practice Chinese.

July 18th
This morning we learned that tonight we will have a cooking contest with all the Chinese and Americans in our group. We drove outside our village to a small city with a farmer’s market so we could purchase ingredients. The farmers market had all kinds of fresh fruit and animals. Two people in our group purchased live chickens, which they later killed themselves. Our team had the idea of making a chicken curry.
When we got back we played Mahjong and cards for a few hours before starting the cooking process at 4 O’clock. I helped to peel the vegetables for our dish. Our dish turned out sort of like a curry pot roast. We brought all our dishes together and ate dinner with the villagers. Every one’s food was pretty good but our dish was definitely one of the best.

July 19th
This morning we helped do some community service for the village. We used tools to help clear grass for a new road. The roads the people have cleared themselves through the thick vegetation on the mountains are amazing.
Tonight is our farewell dinner so we spent all afternoon practicing our performance. We decided to sing two American songs and do a dance.
For dinner we all went over to the mayor’s house to eat dinner. After dinner we went to the banquet. Just about all the people in the village were there. We got to see a lot of traditional Chinese dancing and singing and also hang out a lot with our host families. It was lots of fun to do our performance even though the people in crowd didn’t understand the words of our songs.

July 20th
Today we got up early because our group leader cooked breakfast for all of us Americans. She made us crepes with nutella and caramelized bananas. Later we went to watch an American movie with all the people in our group.
After lunch we went to swim in the river to cool off a little bit. The water felt great, but hopefully it didn’t have parasites in it. We played some Mahjong and then went to the main event of the day. We played tug of war with the Chinese kids and the village people. The village ladies were actually quite strong. I ate my last dinner with my host family and took lots of pictures with them. I’m going to miss my rural family very much.

July 21st
This morning we left our rural home stay family. I ate one last breakfast with my host family and exchanged gifts with them. It was very sad to say goodbye to them and I really hope I will stay in touch with them.
After 2 hours on the bus we arrived at a place 3 hours from Yangshuo where we will spend the night. The town women here are famous for their long hair, and we watched a performance by them. Then, we hiked up a mountain to get a good view of the famous rice terraces in the area. When we got back to our lodge, we swam in a nearby river and cooled off a lot. We ate dinner at the lodge and after words walked around the city and got ice ream. I’m excited to go to Yangshuo tomorrow.

July 22nd and 23rd
Yesterday we drove to the city of Yanghsuo by bus. Once we arrived to our hotel we basically had free time for the whole afternoon. We wandered around the city and shopped and went to the internet café. It was really fun to use my Chinese to bargain with people on the street. For dinner we were craving Western food so we went to an Italian restaurant and got pizza and pasta. After dinner we walked around West Street.
Today we got up early to catch a ferry ride along a river in Yangshuo. We rode on the boat for 3 hours and did some sightseeing. After lunch we got on our bikes to go to the mud caves. The hour long bike ride through the city and countryside was both exciting and very scary. We arrived at the mud caves and hiked deep into the caves until we reached the mud pit. We all covered ourselves in mud. After washing off in cold water, we made our way to some hot springs and relaxed for a while. After biking back we ate dinner and once again walked around the city shopping.

July 24th
Today we woke up and went straight to eat breakfast. We had a Western breakfast which was a nice change from the usual Chinese food. After that we biked to a river where we got to ride on bamboo rafts. We bought some cheap water guns and got each other very wet. After we got back to the hotel we had free time all afternoon. I once again shopped for a long time and brought gifts for my family and myself.
Because our siblings from XI’an left tonight, we had a farewell dinner with them. We have been with them for over two weeks and I am very sad to see them go. I’m rally going to miss my host brother Li Hang, but hopefully I can keep in touch with all the Chinese students through E-mail. After dinner we said our final goodbyes and they left for the airport. Then we once again wandered around the city and shopped a little.
July 25th
Today we traveled from Yanghshuo to Shanghai for the final leg of our trip. We flew to Shanghai and arrived at the hotel at about 3 in the afternoon. Shanghai is the 2nd largest city in the world, and the downtown area and its skyline were beautiful. We shopped a little in the afternoon before dinner. At the hotel all the 3 EIL China groups came together for the 1st time since Beijing. After dinner we drove to the downtown area and hung out there for a while.

July 26th
Today was a very busy day. We started out in the morning by driving to a place with a great view of the city and shopping for pearls and jade. Then we went to a large shopping area to walk around for a few hours. I bargained and got some more gifts for my family. I was able to try some dim sum for lunch, and the dumplings filled with meat and soup were especially delicious.
For dinner we drove over to a nearby restaurant toe at traditional food. After dinner we went to an acrobatics show, which was one of the highlights of the trip. The performance was sort of like Cirque de Soleil, and the performers displayed amazing strength and flexibility. After that we went to a restaurant just to get dessert. We had deserts filled with fruity shaved ice and ice cream. It was the best sweets I’ve had in China.
July 27th
Today was considered our free day in Shanghai. We finally got a chance to sleep in and recharge a little. The guys in the group decided we wanted to go to a place where we could buy cheap electronics. We also decided to try and use the subway system to get there. After a few complications we arrived by metro to a mall, which specialized in electronics. When we were done with the mall we wandered around, but ended up deciding to go back to the hotel. We took naps at the hotel because we are going to stay up all night tonight to minimize the effects of jet lag when we return.
Our leader saved money so that we could have a nice farewell dinner. We all went to a great restaurant and reminisced about the trip. After dinner we went to the 66th floor of a hotel to get a full view of Shanghai. I’m going to force myself to stay up all night before we leave tomorrow morning.

July 28th
This morning we drove to the airport and took a short flight to Hong Kong before boarding our flight to Los Angeles. I am currently on the 14 hour flight to L.A., which is a lot more boring now that I can’t look forward to China, and can’t help but reflect on my trip. There are number of reasons that I will miss China, such as the culture and kindness of the people here. I think what I will miss most will be the individual relationships with not only the people in my group, but also the people I met in China like my home stay siblings, my in country guide, and random people I encountered in everyday life.
Although life at home will surely be much more boring than China, I’m very excited to see my family again and tell them all about my wonderful experience. I also miss American food very much. Overall, this was a life changing journey that I will never forget.
Dear Wilson Family,
I would like to personally thank you for giving me the extraordinary opportunity to go to China this summer. Your generosity allowed me to experience cultures and ways of life very different from those in America. My overall perception of the world has drastically changed, and I can’t wait to return to China again someday. In addition, my Chinese language skills were invaluably helped by my going to China. I will remember this wonderful experience for many years to come, and will not forget that your kindness is what made it all possible.
In addition to the Wilson Family, I would also like to thank Mr. Gaither, Dr. Gaffney, Dr. Seay, and Mr. Gioia for their work in organizing this great trip. Lastly, I especially want to thank Mrs. Li for being such a devoted teacher and inspiring me to go to China.
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