Sunday, September 11, 2011
Paul Brazil, Prague
Paul Brazil - Bavaria and Hildeburghausen
The second leg of my trip to Germany consisted of a home stay in Bavaria, which lasted for ten days and was extremely rewarding. My immersion into Bavarian culture was only stigmatized by a strong Bavarian dialect, which made communication difficult at times. During my time there, I attended school at St. Gotthards Gymnasium, where I sat in on various classes and often fielded questions from curious youngsters for entire class periods. St. Gotthards is affiliated with a monastery and basilica, both of which I was able to see in detail.
Other highlights of the trip include a day trip to Munich, where we went on a savage scavenger hunt put together by a native of Munich affiliated with EIL.
Historic City Hall of Munich
I also spent a weekend in Regensburg, a town with a rich medieval history, which proved to be extremely beautiful. Regensburg’s rich Medieval history was apparent through its striking architecture.
After Bavaria, my travels lead me to Hildeburghausen, a small city in Thueringen, a Bundesland that was part of the former East Germany. Whilst in Hildeburghausen, I helped restore a Memorial Pathway for the fallen prisoners of a work camp under the Nazi regime. In addition to service, our group took a day trip to Erfurt, the capital of Thueringen. Thueringen was extremely old and beautiful, with lots of great street food vendors. We also took a day trip to Coburg, a beautiful city just over the border in Bavaria, which boasted the castle Veste.
The forticifactions of Veste